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Login NL - EN

1. Introduction

All websites and applications must be correctly represented in the most up-to-date internet browsers.

We also think it is important that our websites and applications are easily accessible to people with a handicap.


1.1 Browser compatibility

The code is optimised for the following browser versions:

  • Edge
  • Explorer 10 and 11
  • Safari 8
  • Firefox 40
  • Chrome 46
  • Safari for IOS9
  • Standard browser for Android 5 and 4.4


1.2 Accessibility

Ghent University reaches a huge audience via its websites. By making all websites as accessible as possible, we offer everyone equal opportunities.

For this we use the guidelines recommended by AnySurfer.

The checklist (Dutch only) that AnySurfer uses follows the international Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.0 level A.

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