Official Ghent University terminology and writing advice.
The correct name of the university was decided by the Executive Board:
Dutch: ‘Universiteit Gent’
English: ‘Ghent University’
French: ‘Université de Gand’
German: ‘Universität Gent’
We do not use the abbreviation ‘UGent’ (with two capitals) in English. The correct terminology is 'Ghent University'.
Exceptions: you can use the abbreviation
The derivative group name 'UGent'ers' is acceptable in English language texts. 'UGhent'ers', however, is not.
As a Ghent University employee, see all official terms and translations.
Sorted by the order of historical foundation here below. Pay attention to the capitals in continuous text or at the beginning of a line.
Name of the faculty (abbreviation) - url
Do you need need an overview of the locations of the campuses: see 5.4 Cartography
The names are the same in Dutch as in English.
Write Ghent University locations like this:
Campus ..., building name or block number (if needed), street name, house number, postal code, city
For example:
When a block number is a combination of a letter and a number, you can write this combination without "building" or "block". When a block number is just a number, you can write "building" before the number to clarify. When writing an adress at Campus UZ, also mention the entrance.
For example:
We prefer the British time notation (day Month year). For example: 1 January 2020.
More info: Cambridge Dictionay
We prefer the British time notation without a.m. and p.m. For example: 08:00 or 20:30.
+32 9 264 00 00
Ghent University prefers the British English annotation without punctuation. For women, the neutral abbreviation ‘Ms’ is preferred.
Write academic titles with capitals in English. Write the titles preferably as a whole. Use punctuation for abbreviations.
Write academic titles without capitals in Dutch (unless they are at the beginning of a sentence). Write the titles preferably as a whole. Use punctuation for abbreviations.
Words like 'faculty' and 'department' receive a capital letter in proper nouns: Faculty of Law and Criminology, Department of Administrative Affairs. When used in a continuous text, they are written with a small letter. For example: You can find the library in the faculty of Arts and Philosophy.
'Contact the department of Administrative Affairs:
Department of Administrative Affairs'